Git Essentials

Collaborate more efficiently, track changes more easily, and deliver higher-quality code more quickly

1500+ users onboarded

Program Overview

Source Code Management (SCM), also known as version control, is a tool that is used to track modifications to a source code repository. The main need for a source code management tool is to allow multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously while also providing a way to track and revert changes as necessary.

Git is primarily used for Source Code Management (SCM), with its robust feature set of initializing and tracking the changes during software development.

By learning Source Code Management with Git, your team can leverage the features of clear code reviews, asset version control, feedback loops, and powerful branching patterns to help your developers solve problems and ship value.

Uptut can bring that leverage to your team with industry leaders and domain experts as your trainers, set apart with a hands-on curriculum.

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Training Objectives

  • Gain a Solid understanding of Git and its key concepts
  • Learn to set up Git
  • Learning basic Git commands
  • Learn how to create and manage branches in Git
  • Learning Collaborating with Git

Key training modules

  • Introduction to version control and Git
  • Understanding the basics of version control and Git.
  • Setting up Git and creating a repository
  • Installing and configuring Git, and creating a new repository.
  • Basic Git commands (init, add, commit, status, log, etc.)
  • Familiarizing with basic Git commands for managing and tracking changes in the repository.
  • Branching and merging in Git
  • Creating and managing branches, and merging changes between them.
  • Resolving merge conflicts
  • Handling merge conflicts that may occur when merging branches.
  • Using Git for Collaboration (pull, push, remote)
  • Sharing changes with others by pulling and pushing changes, and managing remote repositories.
  • Git workflows (centralized, feature branch, etc.)
  • Understanding different Git workflows and their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Git hooks and customizing Git's behaviour
  • Customizing Git's behavior using hooks to automate tasks.
  • Advanced Git features (stashing, rebasing, etc.)
  • Utilizing advanced Git features like stashing and rebasing to manage changes efficiently.
  • Using Git with Github, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc
  • Using Git with various popular Git hosting services like Github, GitLab, and Bitbucket.
  • Git troubleshooting and resolving common issues
  • Troubleshooting common Git issues and resolving them.
  • Best practices for using Git in a team environment
  • Following best practices to use Git efficiently in a team environment.
  • Using Git in a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline
  • Integrating Git with a CI/CD pipeline to automate the deployment process.
  • Git history visualization and navigation tools
  • Using tools to visualize and navigate through Git history.
  • Git submodules and subtrees
  • Managing dependencies in a Git repository using submodules and subtrees.
  • Git bisect for debugging and identifying bugs in code
  • Using Git bisect to identify the commit that introduced a bug.
  • Git stash and cherry-pick
  • Stashing changes and applying changes from one branch to another using cherry-pick.
  • Git reflog and resetting commits
  • Recovering lost commits using Git reflog and resetting changes to a previous commit.
  • Git blame and tracking changes
  • Tracking changes in Git using Git blame to find out who made changes to a file and when.
  • Git rerere (reuse recorded resolutions)
  • Reusing recorded resolutions in Git to avoid resolving conflicts repeatedly.
  • Git filter-branch and rewrite history
  • Rewriting Git history using filter-branch to modify commits or remove sensitive data.
  • Git notes and attach additional information to commits
  • Attaching additional information to commits using Git notes.
  • Git sparse and scripting with Git plumbing commands
  • Using Git sparse to work with partial checkouts and scripting with Git plumbing commands to automate tasks.
  • Git and distributed version control systems (DVCS)
  • Understanding the role of Git in a distributed version control system and how it differs from centralized systems.

Build a high-performing, job-ready tech team.

Personalise your team’s upskilling roadmap and design a befitting, hands-on training program with Uptut

Hands-on Experience with Tools

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Opt-in Certifications
AWS,, DASA & more
100% Live
on-site/online training
Labs and capstone projects
Lifetime Access
to training material and sessions

How Does Personalised Training Work?

Skill-Gap Assessment

Analysing skill gap and assessing business requirements to craft a unique program



Customising curriculum and projects to prepare your team for challenges within your industry



Supplementing training with consulting support to ensure implementation in real projects


Why Git for your business?

  • Allow developers to keep track of updates to their code over time
  • Allow developers to easily combine their code updates with previous updates or new updates made by other people
  • Is an incredibly effective way to collaborate on development projects
  • Automated Software Delivery
  • Continuous integration and delivery

Who will Benefit from this Training?

  • Developers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Test Engineers
  • Project Managers
  • IT professionals
  • Data Scientists
  • System Administrators
  • QA Engineers

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Discover the power of digital transformation with train-to-deliver programs from Uptut's experts. Backed by 50,000+ professionals across the world's leading tech innovators.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the pre-requisites for this training?
Faq PlusFaq Minus

The training does not require you to have prior skills or experience. The curriculum covers basics and progresses towards advanced topics.

2. Will my team get any practical experience with this training?
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With our focus on experiential learning, we have made the training as hands-on as possible with assignments, quizzes and capstone projects, and a lab where trainees will learn by doing tasks live.

3. What is your mode of delivery - online or on-site?
Faq PlusFaq Minus

We conduct both online and on-site training sessions. You can choose any according to the convenience of your team.

4. Will trainees get certified?
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Yes, all trainees will get certificates issued by Uptut under the guidance of industry experts.

5. What do we do if we need further support after the training?
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We have an incredible team of mentors that are available for consultations in case your team needs further assistance. Our experienced team of mentors is ready to guide your team and resolve their queries to utilize the training in the best possible way. Just book a consultation to get support.

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